gnetlist -g spice-sdb -o RFID1.sch
This is documented in the gnetlist wiki so what it got me is as follows:
* Begin .SUBCKT model *
* spice-sdb ver 4.28.2007 *
*vvvvvvvv Included SPICE model from ./models/bs170.mod vvvvvvvv
*ZETEX BS170 Mosfet Spice Subcircuit Last revision 12/85
.SUBCKT BS170 3 4 5
* D G S
M1 3 2 5 5 N3306M
RG 4 2 270
RL 3 5 1.2E8
D1 5 3 N3306D
.MODEL N3306M NMOS VTO=1.824 RS=1.572 RD=1.436 IS=1E-15 KP=.1233
+CGSO=28E-12 CGDO=3E-12 CBD=35E-12 PB=1
.MODEL N3306D D IS=5E-12 RS=.768
* (C) 1991 ZETEX PLC
* The copyright in this model and the design embodied belong to
* Zetex PLC (“Zetex”). It is supplied free of charge by Zetex for
* the purpose of research and design and may be used or copied
* intact (including this notice) for that purpose only. All other
* rights are reserved. The model is believed accurate but no
* condition or warranty as to its merchantability or fitness for
* purpose is given and no liability in respect of any use is
* accepted by Zetex PLC, its distributors or agent.
* Zetex PLC, Fields New Road, Chadderton, Oldham OL9 8NP
*^^^^^^^^ End of included SPICE model from ./models/bs170.mod ^^^^^^^^
*vvvvvvvv Included SPICE model from ./models/bc547.mod vvvvvvvv
.MODEL BC547 NPN ( IS =1.8E-14 ISE=5.0E-14 NF =.9955 NE =1.46 BF =400
+BR =35.5 IKF=.14 IKR=.03 ISC=1.72E-13 NC =1.27 NR =1.005 RB =.56 RE =.6
+RC =.25 VAF=80 VAR=12.5 CJE=13E-12 TF =.64E-9 CJC=4E-12 TR =50.72E-9
+VJC=.54 MJC=.33 )
*^^^^^^^^ End of included SPICE model from ./models/bc547.mod ^^^^^^^^
*vvvvvvvv Included SPICE model from ./models/LM358.mod vvvvvvvv
* (C) National Semiconductor, Inc.
* Models developed and under copyright by:
* National Semiconductor, Inc.
* Legal Notice: This material is intended for free software support.
* The file may be copied, and distributed; however, reselling the
* material is illegal
* For ordering or technical information on these models, contact:
* National Semiconductor’s Customer Response Center
* 7:00 A.M.–7:00 P.M. U.S. Central Time
* (800) 272-9959
* For Applications support, contact the Internet address:
* connections: non-inverting input
* | inverting input
* | | positive power supply
* | | | negative power supply
* | | | | output
* | | | | |
* | | | | |
.SUBCKT LM358 1 2 99 50 28
*Eliminates need for dual supplies
*Large DC voltage gain = 100dB
*High bandwidth = 1MHz
*Low input offset voltage = 2mV
*Wide supply range = +-1.5V to +-16V
*NOTE: Model is for single device only and simulated
* supply current is 1/2 of total device current.
* Output crossover distortion with dual supplies
* is not modeled.
****************INPUT STAGE**************
IOS 2 1 5N
*^Input offset current
R1 1 3 500K
R2 3 2 500K
I1 99 4 100U
R3 5 50 517
R4 6 50 517
Q1 5 2 4 QX
Q2 6 7 4 QX
*Fp2=1.2 MHz
C4 5 6 128.27P
***********COMMON MODE EFFECT***********
I2 99 50 75U
*^Quiescent supply current
EOS 7 1 POLY(1) 16 49 2E-3 1
*Input offset voltage.^
R8 99 49 60K
R9 49 50 60K
V2 99 8 1.63
D1 9 8 DX
D2 10 9 DX
V3 10 50 .635
**************SECOND STAGE**************
EH 99 98 99 49 1
G1 98 9 POLY(1) 5 6 0 9.8772E-4 0 .3459
*Fp1=7.86 Hz
R5 98 9 101.2433MEG
C3 98 9 200P
***************POLE STAGE***************
*Fp=2 MHz
G3 98 15 9 49 1E-6
R12 98 15 1MEG
C5 98 15 7.9577E-14
*********COMMON-MODE ZERO STAGE*********
*Fpcm=10 KHz
G4 98 16 3 49 5.6234E-8
L2 98 17 15.9M
R13 17 16 1K
**************OUTPUT STAGE**************
F6 50 99 POLY(1) V6 300U 1
E1 99 23 99 15 1
R16 24 23 17.5
D5 26 24 DX
V6 26 22 .63V
R17 23 25 17.5
D6 25 27 DX
V7 22 27 .63V
V5 22 21 0.27V
D4 21 15 DX
V4 20 22 0.27V
D3 15 20 DX
L3 22 28 500P
RL3 22 28 100K
***************MODELS USED**************
*^^^^^^^^ End of included SPICE model from ./models/LM358.mod ^^^^^^^^
*============== Begin SPICE netlist of main design ============
R12 0 8 50
R11 0 5 50
Vin 1 0 pulse 0 3.3 125kHz
Q2 0 7 6 BC547
XU2 8 12 6 0 +5V LM358
XU1 5 12 4 0 +5V LM358
Q1 0 2 9 BS170
D1 10 11 1N4148
R10 0 12 1k
R9 12 +5V 4k
L1 10 9 10NH
R5 0 11 270k
C1 11 3 12NF
C3 0 11 4NF
C2 0 10 1NF
R1 9 +5V 100
R7 6 8 100k
R6 7 5 1k
R8 6 +5V 33k
R3 4 5 390k
R4 4 3 33k
R2 2 1 1K
.ends LM358
This is impossible to parse for kjwaves so I had to trim it to this version:
*============== Begin SPICE netlist of main design ============
Vin 1 0 PULSE(0 5V 0 8ns 8ns 0.004ms 0.008ms) dc=0
Q2 0 7 6 BC547
XU2 8 12 6 0 +5V LM358
XU1 5 12 4 0 +5V LM358
XQ1 0 2 9 BS170
XD1 10 11 1N4148
R10 0 12 1k
R9 12 +5V 4k
L1 10 9 0.37MH
R5 0 11 270k
C1 11 3 12NF
C3 0 11 4NF
C2 0 10 1NF
R1 9 +5V 100
R7 6 8 100k
R6 7 5 1k
R8 6 +5V 33k
R3 4 5 390k
R4 4 3 33k
R2 2 1 1K
.MODEL BC547 NPN ( IS =1.8E-14 ISE=5.0E-14 NF =.9955 NE =1.46 BF =400
+BR =35.5 IKF=.14 IKR=.03 ISC=1.72E-13 NC =1.27 NR =1.005 RB =.56 RE =.6
+RC =.25 VAF=80 VAR=12.5 CJE=13E-12 TF =.64E-9 CJC=4E-12 TR =50.72E-9
+VJC=.54 MJC=.33 )
.include /home/shane/Documents/Design/models/bs170.mod
.include /home/shane/Documents/Design/models/LM358.mod
.include /home/shane/Documents/Design/models/1N4148.prm
.opt acct list node
.tran 8ns .08ms
Notice the ‘X’ next to the component calls. This indicates the subcircuit model identified by the .include line. 🙂
This loaded and ran in kjwaves and gave what I believe are reasonable results. They are definitely NOT what the author describes should be the result but I think that it is something a micro-controller can read in and change to a cmos logic signal.